Keep going or quit ?

hey ya'll "Winners aren't quitters and quitters aren't winners." I'm confident to say that we've all heard that saying before, right? Well when does that switch go off that lets you know that perhaps the path you're on isn't beneficial to you or your journey? I mean when we decide to take a challenge on … Continue reading Keep going or quit ?

Letting go

Hi Loves! I hope you guys enjoyed your Easter holidays. Gee is it not crazy how fast this year is going? Well today I wanted to talk about friendships, the loss of a friendship. Friendship break ups hurt way more than relationship break ups and I guess that's why we never really want them to … Continue reading Letting go

You are loved


How often do we tell those dear to us that we love them? Pretty often right? So tell me, when was the last time you took a good, long, hard look at the person in the mirror and told them that you love them? Haha your probably thinking “girl what?” . Yes when last did you lavish the person looking back at you in the mirror with words of adoration, praise and love? When last?

With all the mayhem that’s been going on around the world have you taken time out to take care of you? To many a times we get so engulfed in working hard to make ends meet and take care of our loved ones that we put ourselves on the back burner. We neglect ourselves and soon find ourselves in a rut. Self love starts with the way we perceive ourselves. The way we speak to…

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